Friday, August 24, 2007


I awoke this morning to the sounds of a baby squealing from her crib, which has become my usual wake-up call of late.  She slept in today a bit, granting me an extra half hour that really makes a huge difference in my day overall.  When I ventured downstairs to her room to see what was the matter, I found her standing in the corner of her crib waving at me, a ridiculously big grin on her face, and happy-to-see-me babble greeting my ears.  World, be forewarned: Emma is a morning person.
I gave her a bottle (we're on to a mix of formula and organic whole milk these days, and so far no sign of lactose intolerance like Harry) and changed her diaper, then rocked her back to sleep because even though she is a morning person getting up at 6am leaves her wilted by 9am.  She snuggled into me, face tucked under my chin, arms around my neck, sighing happy little sighs, and drifted back to dreamland.  She isn't just sweet, she is sugar itself.
Today, the daughter we have known for only 4 1/2 months became a one-year-old.  One.  I know it is cliche to even pose the question, but where does the time go?  That little wisp of a girl cannot possibly be one, can she? 
Happy Birthday, my Emmy.  May you always wake on your birthdays with a smile on your face, happiness in your eyes, and joy in your heart.  I love you!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Restored to Health, Mostly

I'd like to give a shout out to Chloraseptic Sore Throat Lozenges, you made the last two weeks bearable.  Sudafed PE, you stink.  You did nothing to help me.  Nyquil, you hold a revered spot on my shelf of cold, flu, and allergy medications but your counterpart, Dayquil, does not.  And nasal rinse Ayr, we are just about best friends, as you know. 
I am feeling better now, but I still sound pretty terrible.  Getting a good night's sleep helped in a huge, huge way.  Enough talk of sickness, let's get on to better things.

First, a picture of Emma waiting rather impatiently for us to get ready to leave the house.  Both of my kids think that once they have their shoes on we can just walk out the door and I wish it was true.  But diaper bags need to be packed, bottles need to be made, and I have to find my shoes.  Funny thing about finding my shoes is that they are never where I left them.  In a house with two toddlers shoes take on a life of their own, as favorite toy, something to smack the dog with, and recently, an entree roasting in the toy kitchen's state-of-the-art oven.  Heh.  It took me a whole day to find them that time.  Yes, I do have more than one pair, but I prefer those shoes. 

After spending a little while in the big pool this week our babies were cold but still wanting to play, so I filled the little pool with warm tap water and let them frolic on the deck.  They both continue to love the water, and I am very much looking forward to seeing them splash at the beach on our vacation this month.  Note to self: take more outdoor photos...they are soooooo much better than flash photography!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Notes From the House Of Ill, Part 2

Just checking in to let you know that we are still a drippy, sore throat, coughing mess.  All of us except for Mr. Immune System of Steel, that is.  The Mr. is back to normal, but the Wee Ones and I are still teetering back and forth on the edge of miserable.  (inset annoying whine here)
Despite our lingering illness and its tiresome ways we have been keeping quite busy.  The cousins, Casey and Brian, are here on an almost week-long visit.  They're not spending nights here, but we've seen them every day and they have been a huge help to me in keeping my children occupied.  Brian kindly brought his vintage style Thomas the Train sets and we have a virtual train city in the basement.  Harry, while playing quietly with them by himself this morning, declared over and over again in a  soft whisper "I like Thomas, a lot.  I really really like him.  And Percy, too." 
Brendan and his Dad have worked diligently on the deck this weekend, and I can now envision how it might look once complete.  We're going to like it very much, I think.  The added square footage should make outdoor gatherings run more smoothly, and the ability to enter and exit the pool without walking in the yard of beach sand will be a pleasure.  I am not kidding about the yard of beach sand, but attempts will be made this autumn to remedy that situation, as well. 
There has been a purchase of a tee-ball set and more than a few "games" have been played.  I think we might have a little athlete on our hands, which should be interesting given our extreme nonchalance in regards to anything sports or team related.  I guess we'll have to learn? 
We have booked a few days at Lapland Lake for our vacation, a compromise that will hopefully work out nicely.  I wanted to spend the entire week at a camp on a lake, but Brendan feared that we might all get bored and feel a little claustrophobic...and now I agree with him.  Spending a few days away will give us the feel of a vacation while still allowing us to get a few things done around the house on our week off.  We'll also get to try out this thing called vacation with two kids in tow, and see if we like it and can handle it.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well so we will be enticed to do it more often in the future.  I took Harry and Emmy for a sneak preview this past week, and the beach was a hit. 

We're missing our families, who have also been busy this summer, and we're hoping to catch up with everyone very soon.  Emma turns one in a few days and a party is in the planning stages.  So we're busy, and sick, but enjoying what is left of the summer.  Hope you're enjoying the summer, too. 

Friday, August 10, 2007

Notes From The House of Ill

I haven't been this sick since I lived in Connecticut, the first time, when my daycare job's germs kept me in a constant state of ill.  Harry started it all, throwing up all night Monday and into Tuesday, then I started to have the same symptoms on Wednesday night.  We all have an upper-respiratory infection, too, so life at our house is more than a little messy right now.  We're just starting to feel a little better today, so I think I will venture out for Lysol and decongestant, maybe some vanilla ice cream and freezer pops for our throats.
Can I just say, being sick in the summer really, really stinks?  It does.  It was a gloriously beautiful day yesterday, and I sat glued to the couch because for the most part I was too weak to go upstairs and lie in my bed.  I had to call in reinforcements to help me watch my kids (thank you, Mike!) because I was too dizzy to stand up for very long.  It was awful.
Babies with stuffy noses do not drink bottles well, and the aspirator that she found delightfully funny yesterday is her nemesis today, when she really needs it.  She has cried fairly constantly for the last few hours, soothed only by being held upside down...what's that about?  I'm afraid to hold her that way for very long in case it kills brain cells or something.
If I have to watch Chicken Little one more time I think I might resign from stay-at-home-parenthood for good.  Did anyone else, upon the first viewing of this movie, think that it was awful that the aliens were vaporizing people in a children's movie?  We did, until it was revealed later on that they were just beaming them up into their ship, to be safely returned later on.  But still, that kind of freaked me out at first.
Emma is also teething, did I mention that?  Yes, she's getting her upper canines, so she'll have fangs for Halloween (she has no other upper teeth).  I think she'll make a splendid little vampire don't you?  With a little red bow on her head?  I have to start shopping for black baby capes now, complete with high starched collar.  Heh.  Our parents are going to love that.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


I just finished Harry Potter.  It was, in my mind, the perfect ending.  I have no unanswered questions, I am not longing for more.  I am now going to dig out the very first voume, start from the beginning, and reread them all again.  Just cause.

Off to bed...been awake since 2 am last night with vomiting boy...very tired and my eyes are aching from reading.  But I had to was THAT good!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Your Thoughts and Prayers

No matter what you believe, what faith you adhere to, or what science you claim as your own, I think we can all agree that no family, and certainly no child, should ever have to suffer through the horror that is childhood cancer.  So today, if you could, pause and send positive thoughts or prayers to this family and their little Baby James
I have been following their story via their family blog for several months now, and through all of the trials and heartache and pain that this small boy has endured, his smile and spirit have shown through.  But right now his smile isn't shining through the pain, and he could use your thoughts and prayers.  So could his parents.
And if you can, donate to childhood cancer research, so that families like James' don't have to go through this heartache. 
Thank you.