I do, however, like to take stock of my life at the end of a year. I like to acknowledge where I've been and think about where I'd like to go next. While worldwide 2005 was a shocker of a year, with tragic events and natural disasters around every corner, it was a GREAT year for this little Sullivan Family.
At the close of 2004 we knew we were dedicated to becoming parents, but we had no idea quite how or when that would all transpire. In the beginning of this past year we took our greatest leap of faith, and dedicated our time, hearts, souls, and minds to adoption. We researched and researched, then researched some more until we knew what path our adoption would take. We participated in what can only be called a scavenger hunt for documents and signatures and fingerprintings and letters of recommendation. We waited and waited and waited some more. And then - bliss! We got our referral, and we were told all about our little boy, our baby who was in Korea, with a gorgeous bald head and perfect skin, all ten fingers and all ten toes! Perfect apgar scores! A happy baby who smiles easily! Of course our baby would smile easily, we thought. Of course he is perfect!
And then we did the hardest thing of all. We waited for him to come home. And it was excruciating knowing he was out there across the world...although we knew he was loved very much by his foster family, it was terribly, terribly hard to know he was out there and we couldn't touch him or hold him. Planning his nursery, having baby showers, and buying cute little outfits helped dull the pain of the wait, but nothing could make it go away. We thought of him every hour of every day, we saw his cheeky little face in our dreams, and we counted the seconds as they ticked by until, one day, the phone rang, and our agency was on the line telling Brendan that our son was coming home! Words cannot describe the joy we felt!
And looking back, the joy we felt on that day was plain in comparison to every moment since he was placed in our arms. On July 26 we became parents, a family of three instead of a couple. The latter part of 2005 was spent in awe and sleep deprivation, hysterical fits of laughter (did we mention that H is super funny?) and weepy moments of happiness. Looking back, we were so unprepared for parenthood, for its blessings, its challenges, and its everyday hilarity. There was no way we could have been prepared for it, and that alone has made it all the more enjoyable.
2005 was a stellar year, and I am a little sad to see it go, but I would not stop the onset of 2006 for anything. In 2006 our baby will be one year old, he'll officially become our son when our adoption is finalized, and he'll become an American citizen. There are many more adventures in store for us, and I am looking forward to the journey, once again.
Happy New Year, all. This post is far too long, and it didn't really take the direction I thought it would, but Brendan is home, the traditional ball is about to drop, and there is kissing to be done.

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