Thursday, February 23, 2006

A year ago this week...

...we were compiling the last bits of our initial application to send to our adoption agency. On February 26, 2005, Brendan and I drove to the post office with an inch thick packet of papers, kissed the envelope for luck, and sent it on its way with the hopes that what we had written and gathered would qualify us to be parents. Such a small action in the grand scheme of life, yet such a life changing moment for us. And now, a mere year later, we are the proud, proud, proud parents of a beautiful one year old. Wow. WOW!!!!!

And since I can't seem to think of anything more to say without turning all sappy and getting teary eyed, I will leave you with a few more pictures of Harry. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

It's all downhill from here

Um, who took my kid and replaced him with this tazmanian devil of tears, tantrums, and rage? I'd like my son back ASAP. Thank you very much. Please hurry.

I don't know what happened in the last 72 hours, but since he turned one Harrison has decided it's us against him, and quite frankly I think he's winning. This is not good. He has had full blown temper tantrums (yes, plural) this week, complete with child belly flopped and pounding his little fists and feet onto the floor. When we dare to put him down for a moment to do something, such as cook him dinner, he won't put weight on his feet, but rather slumps to the floor in a pile of tears. And then screams, at the top of his lungs, at the apparent injustice of it all. I am at a loss. He is not sick, he does not need his diaper changed, he is not tired, he is not hungry, and he could not possibly need more attention than he is getting. He is simply in a fit of rage, and I am ill equipped to deal with it. What I find really strange is that when we're out of the house running errands, playing in the yard, or walking with the stroller he is fine. Normal. Not a peep out of him except to say something cute that may or may not be a new word. So, to the random passersby he seems happy and mellow, such a good baby. If only they knew!

Our pediatrician has assured me that nothing is wrong with Harry, other than he has become a toddler and discovered his will and his voice. I know this is good in terms of development but I'll admit I was completely umprepared for the screaming fits of rage, the inconsolable tears, and the need to be constantly held. Someone please tell me this is just a phase and he'll grow out of it soon...I need to hear those words right now!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Birthday, Harrison

Harrison is officially a toddler! He turned one year old yesterday. We had his birthday party on Saturday and he was a star! He was delighted as each new person arrived, and he ran around with his friends quite happily.

During his toljabee ceremony he chose a ruler (meaning: he'll be good with his hands). When Brendan tried to get him to choose another object he squirmed away to play with his ruler and smacked his head on the table, resulting in a minor meltdown and a sizeable lump on his head. Oops. He recovered and went on to choose a spool of thread (meaning: he will live a long life). He was timid about trying his cake, but eventually made a small dent in the frosting. He looked dashing in his hanbok (it was huge on him and we had to roll up the legs and arms...maybe he'll wear it again next year?). What a great day!

Yesterday was his actual birthday and I made him chocolate cake with homemade buttercream frosting, which he seemed to have no trouble finishing off in a hurry! I think he likes my cooking.

Today we were off to the doctor for his 12 month well baby checkup, where he weighed in at 22 lbs. 11 oz., and measured 31 inches long. So he's in the 50th percentile for weight (I've been telling people I can't keep his pants up!!!) and in the 85th percentile for height. Harrison cried the minute I stripped him down and didn't stop during the whole visit. He stepped up the screaming a notch during the shots (he had two, HIB and Prevnar), but as soon as I got him dressed and asked him if he wanted to go back and look at the fish tank he stopped crying and leaned toward the door. I'm not sure how much of his crying was from pain/fear and how much was just a protest against the doctor visit. He adores fish tanks and we spent ten minutes gazing at the goldfish before heading out the door to go home.

Harry is sleeping now, his second nap of the day and Brendan and I are enjoying a rare weekday afternoon together as he is home sick from work. We took Harrison out to play for a little bit this afternoon and I have to say he LOVED it! He ran around the driveway, his little sneakers splashing in the puddles and then clop clop clopping from sogginess. We let him run around the grass (there is very little snow this year) and play in the sand when he fell. His cheeks became flushed with pink from the fresh cool air, and his face had a determined little pout as he tried to run up a slight rise in the yard. C'mon spring! I wish every day could be spent outdoors, and I'm very much looking forward to better weather. We've all been feeling cooped up, especially with the marathon of childhood sicknesses we've endured as of late.

Think Spring....Think Spring....Think Spring...

Wednesday, February 8, 2006


Today I bought Harrison his first ever bouncy ball. You know, the kind they sell from big bins at Wal Mart or the grocery store...large, plastic, and bouncy. We had been shopping for supplies for his birthday party when he started to get cranky and so, in keeping with scores of other parents who bribe their children to be good, I headed to the toy aisle. I kept telling myself that I'd scope out the selection of one year old toys so I'd have a better idea of what Brendan and I could get him, but the reality was I needed a Baby Distraction Device, and I needed it stat!

I wheeled my cart past countless unsuitable distractions and then rounded a corner to behold my pot at the end of the rainbow: a big bin of colorful bouncy balls! There were big ones and small ones, soccer balls and volleyballs, and balls with cartoon characters on them. Being old fashioned I chose a simple blue marbled ball and handed it to Harry, whose face cracked into a huge smile. "Wow!" he exclaimed, all crankiness dissolving into the past.

I stuck the ball in between the seat back and the front bars of the cart and Harrison played the ball like a drum as we picked out soda, bananas, and tea bags. When we got in line (why are there never more than two darned aisles open at Wal Mart???? It kills me to see 20 aisles, yet only two cashiers available. It's a wonder they have survived so long...) I let him free the ball from the cart and he had fun throwing it to me and watching it bounce on the floor. Even the other people in line behind us started to play! It was probably the most fun I've ever had at Wal Mart.

In other news Harrison has a cold and cough. Yuck. I am more than ready for winter (The Season of Sickness) to end. We've been spending most of our week resting so he'll be well for his party, and the rest of the time I've been spending getting ready for the party (cleaning, organizing, etc.). I also started building a bench for our mudroom, which I hope to have in before the festivities begin on Saturday. We also started insulating the room in the basement (pictures coming), which was recently wired by my dad and Brendan. Yay! Progress on the basement means that sooner than later the plastic jungle will exit my living room, or at least most of it will. Three cheers for everyone who has helped us:

Hip, Hip, Hooray! Hip, Hip, Hooray! Hip, Hip, Hooray!

Friday, February 3, 2006

True confessions of a Stay at Home Mom

Harrison is still sick, only now we can add to his list of symptoms a rash that has left his belly, back, and head covered with hundreds of red spots. The fever has subsided, but the general malaise and crankiness have persisted, and we've been stuck in the house for the better part of a week now. The nurse at our pediatrician assures us that this is probably Roseola, a relatively benign, possibly viral infection that is not very contagious and should be gone within 4-7 days of onset. We're on day #6, so hopefully the end of this is near. Harrison has been so sad and moody this week that only holding him constantly stops his whiny crying (which is fine by me...I like it when he holds still long enough to cuddle), and my back has been bugging me from all of this baby carrying. This morning I went to get out of bed and pulled a muscle in my neck (ouch!) so both Harry and I are under the weather today. Plus, it's raining and crappy out, which makes me sleepy and not very motivated. I have a zillion little things I should be doing, but somehow none seem as important as eating bowls of popcorn and catching up on my talk shows. Oh dear. I think we've hit a new low in the motivation department. Must. Get. Butt. Off. Of. Couch.