Harrison is officially a toddler! He turned one year old yesterday. We had his birthday party on Saturday and he was a star! He was delighted as each new person arrived, and he ran around with his friends quite happily.
During his toljabee ceremony he chose a ruler (meaning: he'll be good with his hands). When Brendan tried to get him to choose another object he squirmed away to play with his ruler and smacked his head on the table, resulting in a minor meltdown and a sizeable lump on his head. Oops. He recovered and went on to choose a spool of thread (meaning: he will live a long life). He was timid about trying his cake, but eventually made a small dent in the frosting. He looked dashing in his hanbok (it was huge on him and we had to roll up the legs and arms...maybe he'll wear it again next year?). What a great day!
Yesterday was his actual birthday and I made him chocolate cake with homemade buttercream frosting, which he seemed to have no trouble finishing off in a hurry! I think he likes my cooking.
Today we were off to the doctor for his 12 month well baby checkup, where he weighed in at 22 lbs. 11 oz., and measured 31 inches long. So he's in the 50th percentile for weight (I've been telling people I can't keep his pants up!!!) and in the 85th percentile for height. Harrison cried the minute I stripped him down and didn't stop during the whole visit. He stepped up the screaming a notch during the shots (he had two, HIB and Prevnar), but as soon as I got him dressed and asked him if he wanted to go back and look at the fish tank he stopped crying and leaned toward the door. I'm not sure how much of his crying was from pain/fear and how much was just a protest against the doctor visit. He adores fish tanks and we spent ten minutes gazing at the goldfish before heading out the door to go home.
Harry is sleeping now, his second nap of the day and Brendan and I are enjoying a rare weekday afternoon together as he is home sick from work. We took Harrison out to play for a little bit this afternoon and I have to say he LOVED it! He ran around the driveway, his little sneakers splashing in the puddles and then clop clop clopping from sogginess. We let him run around the grass (there is very little snow this year) and play in the sand when he fell. His cheeks became flushed with pink from the fresh cool air, and his face had a determined little pout as he tried to run up a slight rise in the yard. C'mon spring! I wish every day could be spent outdoors, and I'm very much looking forward to better weather. We've all been feeling cooped up, especially with the marathon of childhood sicknesses we've endured as of late.
Think Spring....Think Spring....Think Spring...
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