Monday, May 1, 2006

Well, hello! How have you been?

I guess I took a break for awhile there...April turned out to be a very busy month! Things should settle down for awhile now, I hope. Let me catch you up on our news:

The basement has been sheeterocked and taped (we hired this part out) and now sports its first coat of primer (which I applied last night)!!! We hope to be moving furniture in by the end of the month. I am beyond excited to be able to have the room finished and usable!

We brought back the furniture from Cape Cod...once the basement is complete we'll be able to set it up in the spare room. We have to shift couches, futons, and such before there will be room. The plan is: futon from loft into basement, queen bed from spare room to loft, new (old) furniture to spare room. Our final days at the Cape house were bittersweet, but we did have a very nice dinner at Tugboats, where we sat on the deck overlooking the harbor and ate some of the best seafood I've had in years. Yum!

We found a new playground and consequently broke the digital camera. Oops. Harry loved loved loved the playground! He had so much fun in the sandbox and on the slides that we're moving "outdoor play area for Harrison" up on our list of priorities this season. And while taking a picture of him on the swings I must have bumped the camera wrong because the zoom button fell out. I didn't realize it was missing until later in the day. We went back the following day to try to find it - which we did (a miracle, I'm sure) but it had been stepped on and squashed. Bummer. I researched the Kodak website, called a representative, and quickly found out that it cannot be fixed because Kodak stops making replacement parts for their digital cameras as soon as they come out with a new model. So they are basically becoming a very expensive disposable product. We're just going to tape the button over the spot where it goes and hope we can eke some more life out of the camera. Maybe if I'm a good girl this year Santa will bring me a new one?

Harrison has discovered the joy of running through a sprinkler! We're trying to grow grass (or anything green and mowable, really) for the third spring in a row (we have crappy sandy soil that refuses to hold water) so the sprinkler has been running every day. He thinks it is great fun to run through the falling drops, and the look of delight on his face is priceless! It's a mixture of surprise, self-satisfaction at his discovery, and pure melts my heart because when I was little my grandparents had the nicest lawn in the neighborhood because we (their grandchildren) insisted on running through the sprinkler every day all summer long, and I remember the feeling of delight at such fun. As an adult I cannot imagine what their water bills must have been like!

I am sure there is more to report, but I can't think of anything right now, and Harry needs to take a nap. I'll try not to be such a stranger this month!

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