Enough of the boring details...here's a fun update of strange/interesting things that have happened in the past few weeks during my absence, for your enjoyment:
1. Harry learned some of his letters, which seems normal, only we haven't really been trying very hard to teach him the ABCs. So which one of you snuck in during the night to teach him L, A, K, R, and B? Time to fess up...
2. My hairdryer caught on fire while I was drying my hair. Not the blower part, the plug part. A fireball shot out and there was a popping noise, which we now know was the outlet blowing. Brendan replaced it and we've got ourselves a new hairdryer for the first time in, well, since we got married. More truthfully, since Brendan was in either college or high school, becasue it was his hair dryer from his single days. Makes me wonder what other old electronics should be tossed/replaced before we have more fireballs shooting out of them. For those of you wondering, my hair escaped unscathed.
3. We sent in the bulk of our paperwork for adoption #2. We need to send another packet of papers soon, with our letters of recommendation and tax returns, but we are well on our way to updating our homestudy and....waiting....waiting....and waiting some more for a referral. It's going to be a long process this time, but a child is worth the wait.
4. Harry became somewhat lactose intolerant and is now drinking unsweetened soy milk. We're still giving him cheese and other dairy, but any regular cow's milk makes things very...messy, shall we say.
5. I received the Holiday 2006 Heifer International catalog in the mail yesterday, and at first I thought it was some kind of bad joke. But to the contrary it is a very cool organization that strives to end world poverty and hunger by providing farm animals to the poor around the world. Check it out: Heifer International I just might buy you a cow or some chickens for Christmas this year!
6. Brooke and I took Harry apple picking for the first time, and he was so funny. He had an apple in each hand, was standing in front of a bag full of apples, and jumped up and down chanting "APLLE APPLE APPLE". I think he might like apple picking...just a hunch. I made a pie last night with the apples we picked and it was scrumptious...it tasted even better because I could imagine him in the orchard, grinning from ear to ear, on one of the sunniest and prettiest afternoons we've had this autumn.
And I leave you with photos:
Ha! I've never been called patient before. I guess there is a first time for everything. Me & The Mrs. completely spaced out on that letter we promised you. Last night I had one of those holy crap we forgot... Anyway, we're taking care of it now.