Unless you count the fact that I am relatively unscathed after a tumble down the stairs two nights ago. My socked foot slipped on the third (from the bottom) tread, and I went splat. Scraped and bruised my thumb on the way down (of all things) because I made a feeble grab at the newel post. Only my knitting has been affected by the scraping, and even that hasn't suffered much. I did also manage to pull several muscles, which makes me sore but reminds me to laugh at myself. I did mention that I am accident prone, did I not?
To keep busy I have been knitting. When asked what he thinks of all of my knitting projects, Brendan replied "Who are you?" I've been making bags, sweaters and a dress for Em. But mostly bags, and lots of them. I'm working on number seven now, a bright red Paton yarn that I intend to add some glass beads to before felting. I hope that glass beads can survive the turbulent atmosphere of my washing machine. If not my afternoon may very well be spent picking shards from the knitting. Some of my finished pieces:
I made a bag yesterday that far surpasses my previous efforts in construction, execution of design, and just plain fun. Behold:
That's not a great picture. The bag is made with Lopi wool, then felted. I even made the button!
Waiting for that elusive travel call is getting to me. Whenever the phone rings I jump and my heart begins to race. We're ready. She could come home in an hour and we'd be fine. We'd be elated! She'll be six months old on Saturday, and I am beginning to wonder if I should pack away the little baby clothes, and bring out the next round of sizes. I find myself wishing that we had the option to pick her up (our agency only has babies escorted, no travel for the parents) because then I would have a million details to oversee with packing three people for a trip, trying to figure out travel plans and flights, and wondering if we could survive the airplane with two kids in tow. Instead I buy yarn, and knit around and around, row after row, keeping my hands busy but allowing my mind to work in endless circles of wondering.
I am glad knitting is keeping you busy. Your stuff is great!