Pre-cake, with mom and Great Grandma Ann.
In the beautiful hanbok her Foster Mother gave her.
Choosing her fortune. Emma chose a bowl of rice first, meaning she will be rich. She chose the knife second, meaning she will be a good cook. Thirdly she chose the pencil, meaning she will be scholarly. We think her future looks very bright!
Blowing out her birthday candles. It's always a little scary to present your one year old with fire, but she just stared at it and let us blow the candles out for her.
We had a really good time visiting with family and friends old and new. We did not take any pictures (except for one of the cake-eating, but it has yet to be downloaded) so we would love copies of yours if you took any. Thank you to all who joined us in celebrating Em's first birthday!
It looks like a lovely day; Emma is beautiful in her hanbok!