Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Record Keeping

We had well child check-ups for both Emma and Harrison today.  It was the first time I had taken them both for appointments at the same time by myself, and I have to say that my Mei Tai carrier is invaluable.  Harry had tagged along for one of Emma's check-ups once, but today was the first time they both had to be seen, which involves undressing them both, keeping them both in the room, and keeping one occupied while the other visits with the doctor.  I am feeling very accomplished that I did it all by myself!
Harry went first, and after a few seconds of extreme shyness, his curiosity won over and he was agreeable and helpful for the rest of the visit.  He grew an astounding 4 1/2 inches in the last year, and if he maintains his current growth arc he will be 6'2" tall as an adult!!!  He gained nearly 6 lbs, which my arms have certainly been feeling.  He is not color blind, and he has 20/20 vision.  Dr. Anderson wondered if he is already in pre-school because he was speaking in such clear sentences with big words, drawing letters with a paper and pen I had given him, and was counting the different the items in a picture on the wall.  We must be doing something right.
Emma had to have two shots, her final DTap (diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus) and her final Pneumococcal Conjugate (PCV7)...whatever that is.  Ear infections, maybe?  She cried when the stethoscope came out, and it was downhill from there, but we survived it.  I am glad her appointment was second in line because Harry was really upset with the nurse for "hurting his baby".  She certainly has a tough job, standing up to the accusations and glares of big brothers all day long!  Emma weighed 22.1 lbs and was 34 1/4" tall, and is by all accounts developing as she should be.  The doctor told me that we have smart, healthy, well adjusted kids, and there is nothing a mom likes to hear more than that!

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