Fine hair can go BIG, just so you know. Ems had double french braids all day, and when we took them out her hair went poof!
We've been spending our days in the sunshine, and sunblock has become the new official smell of childhood for me. I love breathing in the faint scent of it on my babies' necks as I tuck them into bed, as if the sunshine is still there on their skin even in the dark of evening. We spent this morning at Gavin Park (with our friends the Wests), where parents of small children flock during the weekdays when the weather is nice. Harrison loves it there, and he is more of a blur than a boy as he runs from swings to slides or dashes from rock climbing walls to tunnels. His athleticism continues to amaze me; he just never stops moving while we are at the park. Emma is working on building both her strength and her bravery. She longs to keep up with the bigger kids, but her keen sense of caution keeps her hanging back a bit. With a little prompting she will go down a slide on her own, and by the end of our time there today she was climbing to the tops of the towers all by herself. I spend my time holding my breath, running after little ones, gasping, counting heads, and praying that no one falls headfirst to the ground. The more seasoned moms sit at a table in the sun; dressed in dark blue jeans and black shirts, they drink their takeout designer coffees and chat about the latest preschool foibles, but I am not there yet. I just might be one of those dreaded helicopter parents the rest of the moms whisper about. Ah well, it's a little late in life to try to identify with the cool crowd, anyway.
I'm off to enjoy more backyard sunshine. I just can't sit still when the weather is good!
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