Friday, December 5, 2008


I haven't made anything in awhile. Oh, I knitted a bit and sewed some, but nothing that came even close to completion. Our household descended into sickness again, this time the women took the toll. Emma had pink eye, which is more of a nuisance than anything but does require one to become a bit of a germ-o-phobe, and I had a raging ear infection that had me up all night crying for my mommy...literally. Poor Brendan lugged me off to the doctor yesterday and I was promptly prescribed a round of antibiotics and given orders to increase my fluid intake by...let's just say a lot. Apparently copious amounts of coffee and tea don't count? The antibiotics began their magic around 3am this morning and the crashing pain in my ears finally subsided so that I could get some much-needed sleep. The worst of the pain could have been avoided if I had listened to my loving husband and my body a few days earlier and lugged myself to the doctor the first day I noticed that my glands were swollen and it hurt to yawn. But no, I am stubborn and silly and not very good at taking care of myself when I really need to. I'll work on that. I also have to confess that a lot of my time lately has been spent playing with new wallets, guitars, HEXBUGs, and more, which have been arriving at our mailbox for the past two weeks so that I can review them for our friend, Tony's, website: Come on over and see what we're up to...we're having a blast! Today I will be spending the afternoon watching puffy little snowflakes fall outside our windows while we make cookies for a swap party tomorrow and when the kids go down for their nap I am going to finish sewing the baby carrier I started for a friend of a friend. It will be late for her baby shower, but I am hoping it will arrive before the baby. All of this to say that I was crazy, or at least delusional, to think that I would be able to make a complete project every day at this time of year when my life already has a large list of "must-do"s. I'll post when I do complete something, but I think I'll hold off on the every day idea until a more sane, less ill time of year.

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