In no particular order, here are the photos we just took off the camera:
They LOVE their new tents. Harrison even decided to sleep in his for several nights, before realizing that the floor is not quite as comfy as his bed.
Bananas on the counter. Funny, I never let Harrison sit on the counter when he was little but I plunk Emma up there all of the time so I can get other things done. She is so happy to sit up there and watch whatever I am doing that it never occurs to her to wiggle, squirm, or reach for all of the things I keep up there so the kids won’t be able to reach them.
Emma basks in the late morning sunlight.
The much anticipated Green John Deere Tractor.
And the much anticipated Black Kitty Cat, aptly named Meow.
Christmas morning.
Aunt Brooke was awesome and hosted our Christmas festivities at her new pad this year. Emma and Harrison were as entertained by Coco the Chihuahua as they were by their new gifts.
Somewhere under there is our picnic table. We’ve had plentiful snow this year and the table is even more buried now than it was then.
Emma in the tub. with Hello Kitty and Whale.
Harrison did my hair, and his Cars toys watched.
First day of fevers…Harry looks pale. Poor little guy.
This last one is a ghost picture that came off our old camera. Please ignore the embarrassing mess on our counters and focus on the little fuzzy-chick headed girl and wee little boy standing by the mudroom gate. They were so small! I think this is not long after Emma arrived, so Harrison would have been nearing 2 1/2 and Emma almost 1. I miss those days, but we’ve come so far since then.
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