Sunday, May 17, 2009

An Update

Four showings this weekend.  I am so tired.  A new offer coming in tomorrow and these people do not have a house to sell.  Keep your fingers crossed!

What have I been up to, aside from keeping the house clean?

Bread baking.  Crusty white bread from the old, orange Betty Crocker; I know the recipe by heart now.  It is so, so good and the actual working time that it requires to make two loaves is about twenty takes me longer than that to go out and buy bread at the store.  Why have I been buying bread all of these years?  Harry and Emma are in fresh baked bread Heaven these days.  As soon as they see me take the flour bag out of the cupboard they start begging for a slice of warm bread and we have had some really interesting conversations about yeast, flour, and chemical reactions.  It's awesome.

Sewing.  I got a new book for myself, Heather Ross's Weekend Sewing, and I have been busy building up my summer wardrobe and making a few overdue baby gifts.  The gifts are overdue, not the babies.  This book is lovely and full of good ideas, and I have actually made clothes for myself that I can wear, in public even!

Making granola.  Flora gave me a great recipe and we've been making our own snack food ever since.  It is the perfect mix of sweet and crunchy and you cannot even imagine how good the house smells when it is baking.   Yum.

Finishing up pre-school.  This Friday is Harry's last day and this week will be full of extra activities and special treats, after which the unscheduled days of summer stretch before me for what seems like miles.  I have seriously got to get something planned for these summer days.

Sick.  The last weeks of pre-school just wouldn't have seemed right without just one more illness, I suppose.  We've all been stuffed up, sneezy, coughing, and wheezing, with the added fun of having pollen season at the same time.  We're feeling better now, but the last two weeks have been endured with a slight edge of grumpy.

I'll let you know about the other offer when we know more...

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