When mom and I went to Korea to bring Emma home we had the opportunity to rock the babies at the intake hospital at Eastern. The baby boy that we rocked the most was a bit older than the other babies because he bad been quite ill when he was first born, and as such had been held and loved by the nannies for months instead of the typical days or weeks. Most of the other babies in the room were days old, tiny and sweet, but this boy was plump and cute and better able to demand out attention. We took turns rocking him until we needed to put ourselves to bed, and then he was placed back into his bassinet. Hanging over his tiny little bed was a mobile, light and delicate and perfect. It was so simple, just yellow origami paper folded into cranes and strung on thread, but I never forgot it, nor the baby whose early life was spent sleeping beneath it. I still wonder where he is.
On Saturday I had a Mommy Date with Emma and we wanted to find something to keep us busy during these looooong rainy days. We were looking for lino block printing supplies, but instead we came home with origami paper. We made our own crane mobile:
Ours is certainly not as dainty or refined as the one in Korea, but I love its color. What you cannot tell from the picture is that it is constantly in motion...it softly twirls and sways on the slightest of breezes. The top of the mobile is a branch from our maple tree.
You can see another crane mobile here (scroll down to see photos).
That looks really cool. I love the color. Maggie and I may have to attemp one.