When I was a little girl my grandparents had one of those old record players that was more of a sideboard than music making machine. It took up half of their living room and the inside was lined in soft red felt. Tucked inside were albums left behind by my father and his siblings, plus a few beloved by my grandmother…Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton come to mind. I spent countless hours listening to the slightly scratchy sound of record revolving beneath needle, singing, badly I am sure, you gotta know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em, know when to walk away, know when to run. Those records were the soundtrack of my early childhood, the songs I sang while swinging and roller skating and playing dolls on their front lawn.

My very favorite album was a 45 by The Turtles: So Happy Together. I cannot imagine how much I annoyed my grandparents by listening to that record over and over and over again. I remember so clearly the feeling of singing the lyrics at the top of my lungs and twirling around and around in the space between my grandmother’s rocking chair and the record player, making myself dizzy with motion and high ideals for my future. So happy together! For a child of divorced parents the idea that love could last, that people could be happy together for the long haul, was captivating.

Fast forward nearly three decades and I still know all of the words to that song. I sing it in the shower when no one else is listening and I still believe in those high ideals. Love can last. My past bumps into my future and I have just celebrated 11 years with the man who helps me believe, every day, that anything is possible. I know now that love takes work, that the happiness we achieve is special because we are both invested in it and we both want to move forward side by side. We can be happy together because we are partners on the same team.

The song was right, the lyrics were true:
I can’t see me loving nobody but youfor all my lifewhen you’re with mebaby the skies will be bluefor all my lifeme and youand you and meno matter how they tossed the diceit had to bethe only one for me is youand you for meso happy together

I love you, Brendan. Thank you for making so happy together possible.
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