Or, we could choose to thumb our noses at Mother Nature’s joke of a spring break and we could get out there. We could take that trail that I’ve driven past one hundred times and never stopped to walk. We could wander beneath the trees and in between the tall grasses, listening to the red-winged blackbirds’ and chickadees’ calls against the lilt of the brook and the swish of the wind.
Guess which we chose this chilly morning?

It was grand! We walked slowly, absorbing the textures and variety, allowing the wind to brighten our cheeks, and stopping not only to breathe deeply the rich scent of the awakening earth, but also to feel the bark, lichens, and soft, soft mosses.

We explored; none of us had ever been there before and so we were travellers together and it was a relief not to be the adult in charge, just a companion out for a stroll.

We got chased by a pair of nesting Canadian Geese, got rained on just a little, and found a random teapot in the woods.

We stood on stumps,

and stopped to wonder what kinds of creatures populate the tiniest of worlds:

Despite weather that was dubious at best, we discovered a few signs of spring:

And so I challenge you: do not let spring - no matter how chilly or wet or disappointing it is - do not let spring pass you by. Bundle them up, put on their rain boots and yours, and get out there.

Delight in the bizarre:

Wonder at the destinations of unknown paths:

Feast your eyes on the small things, the ones we drive past and speed beyond without seeing. Stop and look when your little ones call to you with their discoveries; see things from their perspective. Have an adventure!

And when you arrive home, do not forget to perform the obligatory tick check; we found one after our adventure.
Today’s pictures from the Bog Meadow Brook Nature Trail.
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