Harrison was sick all day yesterday with feverish chills, and woke up today with another low fever. Thankfully, during his morning nap, the fever broke and he was well on his way to feeling better this afternoon. Oh my goodness, how I hate fevers! I know they can spike with little warning to numbers that I don't ever want to see on the thermometer, and I know that a high fever can cause seizures. I have been a ball of nerves for the past two days, watching Harrison like a hawk and feeling his forehead so often that he now shakes his head "no" at me when my hand approaches. I have not physically left the house in 48 hours. But he's ok, and tomorrow will be better.
Above are pictures from last week that I finally uploaded today. Harrison loves that little toy car and spends quite a bit of time pushing it around and around the house. The seat lifts up to reveal a little compartment in which to stow things, and we hide toys in there for him sometimes. Lately he has been itching to get outside...he stares with longing as Riley and Charlotte romp and play in the sloppy wet snow, and sometimes he pounds on the glass door and whines while looking outside. He wants to get out and play now that he can walk and run. We're already thinking of where to put up a swing and a play area for him, once spring arrives. I have a feeling this summer will be our best yet...watching him explore more of the world will be magical. I truly cannot wait for the weather to clear so we can plant flowers and build a sandbox!
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