We're back from Rochester, and we've checked off our final task for eligibility! We made great time driving to and from Rochester and the weather was, indeed, perfect. Harrison did not sleep much in the car, but played and talked and ate many, many Cheerios. The meeting was pretty much what we expected, except when we went to ours last year the babies present were much younger and held still for the most part. Harrison, Leia, and Lea were quite mobile and kept all six parents on their toes. We spent the (almost) two hours chasing our children around our social worker's home, and answering the newbies' questions as we ran to and fro.
Last night Harrison came down with a bug...he has a fever, chills, and digestive issues that shall remain nameless. I have come to realize a new fear of parenthood: fevers. How scary they are! Poor Harry was shaking and chattering his teeth, yet we had to strip him down and apply wet compresses to his boiling little body so he'd cool down. I knew what to do (all those first aid classes and my stint as a daycare worker finally paid off) but it felt like I was torturing him. After a dose of ibuprofen, some water, and much attentive care Harrison was cooled down and became very sleepy. We snuggled him into his crib, and I spent most of the night in the spare room, listening for any sign of distress from Harry. Today he's doing a little better, although he still has a slight fever. We're both tired, and now that Harrison is napping I'm off to shut my eyes for a little while, too.
Glad your final meeting is done! It must have been cool (albiet exhausing) to be there. I'm so sorry Harry is sick, but you've given me an incentive to take first aid. We did it for the kitties, I guess we should do it for the kiddie!