Friday, March 16, 2007

In Which I Am NOT Going to Korea on Monday

Do you see the snow swirling about outside your window?  You can blame it for my latest sadness.  I am not going to Korea on Monday.  My passport application did not get to the the proper people on time even though we had a guaranteed delivery of 8am this morning.  Apparently they don't have a motto that begins with "Neither rain, nor wind, nor sleet, nor snow...", and when the flakes started to fly they weren't able to get my package to Mr. Visa until after 10:00 am.  His standing appointment with the office that issues passports is at 10:00am, so no passport for me. 
And when Mr. Visa did get my package, he noticed that it did not have the proper seal across the envelope.  Do you recall Grumpy County Clerk?  As she was lecturing me endlessly about not breaking the seal of the envelope (which I thought was the seal she had to lick, you know, to close the envelope) she forgot to actually attach the seal.  The all important seal which, if not attached, will keep you from being able to get a passport.[insert foul language here]
Our flights have been canceled (with a hefty fee, I am sure) and I have no idea when I can go to get Emma.
I am currently afraid to call our agency director because she was, shall we say, not so kind the last time I talked to her.  I am waiting for my agency social worker to call me back with guidance and a voice of reason.  In the meantime I am crying.  That is my plan for the evening.  Oh, and I sent Brendan to the store for potato chips and dip, my current favorite coping mechanism. 

1 comment:

  1. oh nooooooooo! i am so sorry. you must be so disappointed.
