about yoyu mama

Yoyu mama! my daughter would say when she was tiny.  Although she could not yet perfectly articulate the words, our little girl knew who she loved. Yoyu mama!...love you mama!  This is a blog about our journey as a family.  It's about the ups and downs, the adventures, and the mundane.  Sometimes it is about adoption - the way in which we built our family - and all of the transracial/international family stuff that goes along with that.  Mostly, it is about finding joy and stories in the everyday and loving each other not despite our differences, but for them.

Sara: that's me, the mom, wife, head cook, and chief associate of all things laundry.  I am a stay-at-home parent for now, with sidelines that include a new small business, a keen yearning for a farm of our own, and lots and lots of projects.  I rarely sit still, unless I am devouring books (all about farming, these days).

My husband's name is Brendan.  He is an engineer, the brains behind the operation, and is most likely to be found drinking tea and playing some sort of board game on the front porch with his littlest admirers.  He also plays guitar and spends ample time working on our 109 year old house.  He is also trying to design our dream house, to be built on our someday-farm, fashioned with an inner court yard a la Hyde House (which might be completely unreasonable, but we can always dream, right?)

We have three chilkdren, our wild things, as I call them:

Harrison is our oldest child and joined our family at 5 months of age in 2005.
Emma joined our family at 7 months of age in 2007.
Desmond joined our family in 2011 at the age of 19 months. 

We round out our family with two dogs, Charlotte and Ginger, a rabbit named Pepper, and a fish tank currently swimming with nine finned friends.

We live in an old house in a little city just a mile or two from the town we both grew up in, and we worked hard to get back here after a many year tour of New England.  This is our fourth house and we love it, but we do keep dreaming about that farm...