Saturday, September 5, 2009


Well, we've accomplished one very large milestone to getting into our new home. We've officially sold the old one. This past Thursday afternoon we signed all the necessary papers to turn over our home of the last five and a half years to another family.

As we scrambled to get everything out of the house just in time for the closing we took a moment just before shutting all the doors to take a last look around. It was kind of hard to walk around and say goodbye to the rooms that my kids were growing up in, the basement room that took me years to complete, the deck that my father designed and helped me build, and the marks on the inside of the bathroom closet where we checked the kids height.

We'll miss a lot of things from this house, particularly the proximity to some good friends and neighbors. It was a good home to us, but I try to remember the reasons we're moving to the next one. I know we'll build new memories in the new house and I'll always have the old memories from this past home. I'm proud of the work we did and very happy that we were able to leave this home better than when we found it.

For now though, we are officially homeless.

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