Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Life on the Edge

I just bought a couch via Craigslist that is either the worst piece of pleather coated ugly this side of the Mississippi, or the most funky, awesome addition to our house since my last Craigslist adventure.  Brendan hasn’t come home from work yet, so I guess we won’t know which side of the fence upon which to perch until his face either lights up or cringes.  Good times!  This, apparently, is how you live on the edge once you’re well ensconced in the married-with-kids set. 

1 comment:

  1. This actually happened months ago, but never got posted. I thought it was too funny to pass up. He smiled at the couch, cringed when we put it where we thought it ought to go, but we kept it and it lives next to our other craigslisted couch.
