Tuesday, May 2, 2006

The picture that broke the camera, and the long awaited basementpictures!

Here is Harrison on the swing at the playground we discovered last week. It was while taking this shot that I broke the camera, and I later found the broken button in front of this swing. Harrison isn't crazy about the actual swinging, rather he likes the view from the height of the swing. Notice he's keeping a close eye on the little girl swinging next to him!

Here is your first glimpse of our basement room! The walls look a little greenish because we used moisture resistant sheetrock. Before we primed it the whole room was a deep teal color, much like being submerged in a clear lake.

And here is a photo of our cool lighting effect. When Brendan's parents replaced their living room picture window I asked if I could have the old one (Brendan rolled his eyes, I'm sure, as he always does when I scrounge for things...bless him for putting up with me). I had no idea what I would do with it. Make a cold frame for starting plants in the early spring? Paint a scene on it and hang it on a wall?
It turned out to be the perfect thing for the basement, and helps make the room feel like an upstairs space. The back of the panes will be frosted so you can't see my junk in the storage area of the basement. We'll also have French doors in two spots that lead to the storage/laundry areas, and the glass in those will also be frosted. I will be painting the room in colors this week....stay tuned!

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