Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Universe Has An Unfortunate Sense Of Humor

Harrison was sick this weekend, probably the sickest he has been since joining our family.  There were several changes of bedding, many baths taken, a bucket took up residence beside his bed, and there were many many sleepless hours at night.  He is on the mend now, making demands for all kinds of stomach illness inducing foods (raisins, fruit, apple juice, cheese, etc) which make me cringe, but I am happy that he is at least interested in eating for the first time in three days. 
Would it not be my luck that the very day I need to do the most loads of disgusting laundry in my adult life, we notice that the ground is bubbling over the septic tank?  No, I do not jest.  There was a load of laundry in the washing machine and Brendan saw bubbles seeping up out of a small puddle near the septic tank.  To our credit, it had rained heavily the night before so the puddle over the septic itself was not an indicator of trouble, especially since Charlotte the Beagle had recently dig a hole in the vicinity.  We tend to get puddles all over the place when it rains.  But this was different because the ground was boiling, or so it appeared.  Upon closer inspection it was decided that a call to a septic company was in order, stat.
Long story short, we had the tank pumped, the filter cleaned, and made acquaintance with one of the nicest septic guys you'd ever care to meet.  If you live near me you may call for his number should a similar occasion bubble up in your back yard.  Apparently we may have a drip or leak or toilet running somewhere in the house, which we will investigate this week.  And just so you know, your septic tank is like your car.  It requires maintenance every 2-3 years to keep things running smoothly, no matter how big the tank.  We knew this and I thought we were about due to have something done, but in the course of everyday life it continued to slip my mind until a real problem arose. 
Today we're back to the daily grind, finishing up the 30 loads of laundry that need doing, and gazing out the back door at the sunshine sparkling on the water of our pool.  And feeling very thankful that little Mr. H is feeling better, of course.

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