Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Today I Made This Problem Solver

I have been meaning to make this Problem Solver for months now.  We have a mudroom that was originally intended to be an "outdoor space"; it was changed to an indoor space but something got lost in translation with our builder and we ended up with a very chilly mudroom with interior finish.  To help keep our house as warm as possible while keeping our heating bills at a minimum we added this not-so-lovely but very functional accordion door at the intersection of mudroom and kitchen.  The door stops the draft, but it has a bad habit of sproinging open when I am trying to bring in groceries, corral kids and dogs out to the car, or hang up the hundred coats that always gather near the front door.  The Problem Solver is a bracelet for my accordion door; a simply hook and loop tape attachment makes it easy to lock the door out of my way when I need to, and stays put in the crack between door and wall when not in use.

Ahhh.  Something to check off my To-Do List! 

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