Sunday, July 26, 2009

Big Day

As I was tucking Harrison into his bed tonight I told him how happy I am to be his mom, how much happiness he brings to my life and how much joy he fills my heart with.  And I wished him a happy airplane day, because four years ago today was the day he flew to the US to join our family.  He smiled, looked into my eyes and said "Happy airplane day for you, too, Mom.  It was a big day.  A happy and sad day, wasn't it?"  And I said yes, it was both happy and sad.

My dear Harrison, so wise beyond your years, I love you.

1 comment:

  1. Four years!? My goodness, when you tell me about your experiences they are as palpable as if they'd happened yesterday. Continued joy and blessings to you all. And, such comments from Harrison...what a beautiful "old soul" your boy is.

    Hope all is well.

