Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Few (Woeful) Things

  • We celebrated Joon’s birthday last week.  Without him.  That was hard, but I only cried a little.  You’ve heard of Flat Stanley?  We have Flat Desmond, a picture of our littlest boy that I cut out.  We propped him next to the cake and then we blew out his candle for him.  It was fun in the most bittersweet sort of way.
  • Brendan worked nights last week, 6:30pm to 6:30am.  Please, let’s not do that again anytime soon. 
  • We all got some horrible fever/head cold/chest congestion thing that has made us miserable.  Or maybe it just made me miserable, working in conjunction with Brendan’s night shift and Joon not being here for his birthday.  I guess I’m just saying that I have been miserable.  And then this happened:
  • We found out that our adoption agency’s partner agency in Korea, ESWS, will hit their quota and run out of Emigration Permits (EP) soon, as in any referrals made after December 1, 2010 will not travel until 2012.  This is very bad news.  Long story short, babies must have EP to leave the country.  As So. Korea winds down its international adoption program, they are decreasing by ten percent the amount of EP they give out each year, creating a backlog of babies waiting to go home to the parents they have already been matched with.  The implications of this are kind of huge for us.  When ESWS starts submitting babies for EP early in 2012, the babies from the end of 2010 are all in line before our child (as it should be).  This means ESWS is a full year behind in EP.  Agencies are rumored to be preparing their families for a minimum 15 month wait from referral to travel…if this is true Desmond will be home in July….of next year.  And he will be two. 
  • There is a dark side to all of this, which is the possibility that ESWS could run out of EP even earlier next year, in which case our “baby” could possibly not be home until 2013.  (Did you all just feel the miserable meter’s needle screech forward ten thousand notches?)
  • I am trying to remain calm.  Keep calm and carry on.  Plant an herb garden, make summer plans, paint a few more rooms.  And update my resume, because I might as well start making a dent in the adoption expenses while both of my big kids are at school all day next year. 
  • I’m not really miserable all of the time.  Just when I am alone, or when I think too much, or when I see all of the beautiful babies our friends and acquaintances are pushing around town in their strollers…you know the type, those small babies, the kind that need diapers and aren’t walking and speaking in sentences. 
  • At least it stopped raining. 


  1. Sara - I don't know if you remember me but I went to Qsby with Brendan. I have enjoyed your blog so much - beautiful writing and so honest. I married a Korean man and we have a daughter, 6 months. You have given me lots to think about in terms of her race and how I will explain the world to her.

    I'm pulling for you and Joon - that baby needs his mom. You guys, whenever you get together, will have a wonderful life! He is a lucky boy to have you waiting for him.

    --Jennifer Scrafford--

  2. Sucks. Big-time. But I know - without a single doubt in my mind - that no matter what day he joins your family, you will (all) take it in strike, absorb him beautifully, and create yet another well-adjusted, gorgeous child.

    Because if **I** can do a halfway-decent job at same, starting from quite a bit earlier than three years (but, this last time, not at all from Day One... or even Day 37, when I actually came home from the hospital, since it was at least Day, oh, 300 or more before I started to really feel like Mama, in the least), with the level of post-partum depression and PTSD and general F'ed-up-ed-ness added on to whatever would have qualified as "normal" pre-2010, then you can certainly do better.

    Still. It sucks. ANY setback sucks. I know. Ohhhmmmmm...

