Sunday, August 6, 2006

We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring you thisbulletin:

Where do I begin?

Friday's move of Grandma (and a few of her belongings) into her retirement community went well. Her apartment is beautiful! With views of mountains and fields which will be gorgeous this fall, and the western exposure of the windows makes for amazing sunsets. She will indeed be happy there once she's settled in.*

Saturday's major move also went well. We ran ahead of schedule and were able to move almost all of the things she wants there, and we unpacked it all, too. Her furniture looks great in the space, and we were again impressed with the quality of light and the great views. I ended the day especially pleased that Grandma seemed happy and relaxed for the first time in weeks. All of this activity and her inability to help due to her emphysema has had her frustrated and anxiety ridden for weeks, so it was good to see her smile easily yesterday afternoon.

Today around noon I got the call that Grandma had fallen out of bed last night (thank God my Aunt B stayed with her!!!) and fractured her hip. She was rushed to the ER, and now awaits surgery tomorrow. I was a wreck all day because I didn't really know how well she was doing, and all of the people in the know were by her side, making sure she was receiving the very best care. The good news is she is ok, and the break wasn't as bad as it could have been. She will have three pins inserted into her hip bone and will have to be in rehab for a minimum of six weeks until her bones fuse back together. But while she's in rehab we're going to try to get her into a pulmonary rehab program as well, which would be AMAZING! If she could learn how to live with her disease, and learn ways in which to control it through breathing exercises, posture, and slower movement it would be incredible. When a door closes, a window opens, I guess. I am going to see her tomorrow before her surgery, which leads me to my next order of business, which is as follows:

Lately I've been feeling like my life is getting out of control. With Grandma in the hospital, and her house due to go on the market in three weeks there is major work to be done, and I need to take some of the pressure off my mom. I am also about two months behind on housework (don't ask) and I NEED to scrub this place from top to bottom. I have about twenty projects in some degree of 'close to finished' that I want to complete, once and for all. We're also preparing to head into a second adoption, and with the aforementioned changes to Korea's program we need to research our options so that we are armed with knowledge before we make any moves. My dogs need to go to obedience school before I permanently lock them out of the house (kidding, I would never do that). Our backyard is about to lose the 40+ trees that Brendan has marked for death, and we're going to have to make some semblance of order back there before the snow flies assured this will not entirely deforest our lot, but rather will open up the backyard for a pool, a play area for H, and a better doggie run area. Oh, and did I mention that I need to get some sleep? 'Cause, you know, toddlers are extremely tiring little beings!

So I'm going on a break and I'll be back sometime later, when life holds more order, when I feel more in control. I may post now and again when I get the time, but it's going to be, more sparse than usual.

When I do come back, whenever that may be, some necessary changes will be made the SF News...we're looking into password protection which will require a move, and you're going to need to let me know how to reach you if you want to keep reading. So e-mail me ( or leave your e-mail in the comments. And let me know who you are so I don't think you're a stalker or something.

Farewell for now. Send healing thoughts to my Gram, and check back once in awhile if you wish.

*It will obviously be awhile before she is able to get settled in...October at the earliest.

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