Friday, August 24, 2007


I awoke this morning to the sounds of a baby squealing from her crib, which has become my usual wake-up call of late.  She slept in today a bit, granting me an extra half hour that really makes a huge difference in my day overall.  When I ventured downstairs to her room to see what was the matter, I found her standing in the corner of her crib waving at me, a ridiculously big grin on her face, and happy-to-see-me babble greeting my ears.  World, be forewarned: Emma is a morning person.
I gave her a bottle (we're on to a mix of formula and organic whole milk these days, and so far no sign of lactose intolerance like Harry) and changed her diaper, then rocked her back to sleep because even though she is a morning person getting up at 6am leaves her wilted by 9am.  She snuggled into me, face tucked under my chin, arms around my neck, sighing happy little sighs, and drifted back to dreamland.  She isn't just sweet, she is sugar itself.
Today, the daughter we have known for only 4 1/2 months became a one-year-old.  One.  I know it is cliche to even pose the question, but where does the time go?  That little wisp of a girl cannot possibly be one, can she? 
Happy Birthday, my Emmy.  May you always wake on your birthdays with a smile on your face, happiness in your eyes, and joy in your heart.  I love you!


  1. You made me cry at my desk. :) Happy birthday, Emma. May the rest be as wonderful as today.

  2. Happy birthday a few days late Emma!!
