Sunday, December 2, 2007

Accidental Omission

In Early August a regular trip to the mailbox revealed a package from our adoption agency.  Tucked carefully inside were gifts for Emma from her foster family and a letter for us, love arriving via USPS from the other side of the world.  August was a busy month for us, with family vacations and plans for Harry's surgery, and somehow I forgot to post about the gifts here.  I also forgot to send a thank you note...well, I didn't really forget, but in my effort to find the perfect things to send to her foster family I kept putting off the mailing of a package, pictures, and letter, until suddenly it was late November and our adoption agency called to remind me.   I am ashamed that I took so long to acknowledge a gift that was so very appreciated.  I know her foster family sometimes checks in here, so I am going to post a few pictures of Emma wearing her backpack and barrette.  We keep the fan on the dresser in her room where she can play with it, and she enjoys waving it around.
Thank, Mrs. Koo, for keeping in touch with us, for taking the time to send a package for Emma, and for being patient as we fumble through our thanks.  A package is coming your way very, very soon.

A few more pictures just to show you how much she has grown:

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