Monday, December 10, 2007


The scene: dinner table.  Turkey, potatoes, and corn on the menu. 
Harry:  May I please have more chicken?
Me: We're not having chicken...
Harry:  Oh.  Is it Roosters?

The scene: Morning.  The hour is creeping later and later and still no sign of my boy, who is usually my 6:30am wake-up call.  Finally at 8:45 I go into his room, where he is completely covered up with a stack of blankets.  Mad giggling ensues, coming from the jiggling pile of bedding.
Me: Um, what are you doing?
Harry: I have been hiding all morning, Mama!  You took a long long long time to find me!
Me: How long have you been hiding, Harry?
Harry: Since seven zero zero!
Me: You've been hiding for almost two hours?
Harry: Yes!  I am a really good hider, Mom!

The scene: Bedtime, Harry's room. 
Harry: <long sigh> I have busy day tomorrow.  I go to store, buy some more milk, pick out some cookies, get some bread, find some good snacks, and then come home.  You can help me if you want to.
Me: Do you need me to drive while you run errands?
Harry: No, I can do it.  I just need you to make me hot cocoa after I play outside so I can eat the cookies I buy at the store.
Me: Oh, I'm glad I can help you out, Harry.
Harry: Not really.  I just can't do the stove but I can do everything else all by myself.  But you can help me if you really want to.  I guess.

The scene: Bedtime, Harry's room.  Five minutes after the above conversation.
Harry: Santa is coming soon!  At the pole he has a big BIG flat box for Daddy.  There's tools in it, I just know it. 
Me: Really?  Santa is buying tools for Daddy?
Harry: Yup.  Big BIG tools, in a big BIG box.  And he has a tiny tiny little box for me, with a tiny tiny little truck inside.  And a tiny tiny little box for Emmy, with a surprise inside for her.
Me: What about me?  Does Santa have a gift for Mommy, too?
Harry:  I think so.  It's a big big box, I bet.  But it might be empty.

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