Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Some Days It's Just About Survival

It's a good thing I put the cookies away early this morning because had I not they would surely be gone right now.  It was a "Eat a whole bag of cookies and then have a good cry" kind of day.  I think my kids have a hidden stash of caffeinated products somewhere in the house.  At least I am choosing to believe that tonight because the alternative, that they actually have that much energy naturally, leaves me quaking in my slippers. 
I honestly do not think Harry stopped moving for a single second today.  He ran, flailed, jumped, kicked, spun around, stomped his feet, rolled on the floor, drove his trucks, romped through the snow, and went up and down the stairs all day long...he was pleasant about it but there is something exhaustion  inducing about watching small children run about. The energy it would require me to keep up that act for 1/2 hour is not insignificant.  I would expect Harry to be tired right now, but no.  Instead he is romping around his room, enjoying the liberties of being tall enough to reach the light switches. 
Emma was grumpy today, wanting to be held but wiggling out of my arms as I tried to hold her.  After a few close calls in which I almost dropped her on her head, I placed her little feet back on the hardwood and gently told her she'd have to walk.  So she clung to my pants for the next, say, twelve hours and serenaded me with whining. 
Then Brendan came home and chaos ensued, as it does every evening upon his arrival when our two short people are at once overjoyed to see him and demanding he "pay attention to me individually, and please don't you dare look at my sibling or I will scream and tug you away". 
Yes, it is a good thing I did not find the cookies until after the kids were tucked into bed, or at least into their rooms.  When I did find them I only ate three, and I managed to pull it together and not cry.  Crying would be a waste of energy, I think, and I am sure I'll need all the energy I can get for tomorrow's events: Christmas shopping with two toddlers. 


  1. You're a brave woman, Sara. Mine was the same way, only she was at work with me all afternoon. Only a 20 minute nap on the way home. It has not been a fun evening. Wanna go get a drink? :)

  2. Remember those Newman O's? Gone in a day and a half. And if I had some today not even the plastic tray would be left.

    I'm with Millie. Drinkies are good.
