Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Another Way: The Story of Stuff

I've been reading a new blog lately, one that my mom sent me the link to that is hosted by the local newspaper here.  The blog is called Getting Greener (you can click on that title to visit the blog) and the author, Wendy Baird, talks about her family's efforts to make their lives a little more earth friendly. 
Wendy's blog pointed me in the direction of The Story of Stuff (you can click on that one, too).  I try not to ask much of the people I know, but today I am pulling a favor.  Please go and watch the video.  It is twenty minutes long, which sounds like an eternity in this world of fast paced clicking, but those twenty minutes will transform the way you think about our habits, our consumption, and our world.  When you're done let me know what you thought by leaving a comment. 


  1. Kinda scary. Makes me glad I switched to cloth diapers. Makes me roll my eyes at the dvd player that pooped out after less than 2 months. Thanks for the link!

  2. Thanks for mentioning my blog in yours! (There is a way the copy-editor can tell if someone links to my blog, so I had to check it out!) I read some of your posts trying to figure out if we knew each other but I don't think we've met.

    We certainly agree that the Story of Stuff is a 'must see' video though. Thanks for spreading the word. I talked to the librarian at Caldwell (in Lake George) and she might be able to do a special viewing of the video for the public---isn't that a great idea? Anything to stimulate some conversation about a timely and important topic.

    Nice "meeting" you (in cyberspace)--

  3. Honestly, I did not watch it all, so maybe I missed the answer to my first and biggest question: what are the sources of these statistics? What this video leaves out is free will. We can make and promote as much as we want, but there will always be people who will take the bait.

    Doug and I are all for paring down our lives, simplifying, and we've started by not buying as much. It sounds as if we're headed in the proper direction.
