Thursday, February 7, 2008

Where Got Their Numbers And Statistics

Robyn asked a good question about The Story of Stuff:  Where did they get their data?
To be honest, I had not checked their site for specific resources of data because I had heard many of those same statistics on the news, in the newspaper, on NPR, etc., but they never had the impact on my way of thinking until I saw them all put together in such a coherent way.  In order to answer her question I just headed back to The Story of Stuff site and found, on page one, a big link to their Resources page, where you can look up each and every bit of data they put in their twenty minute film, including an annotated script that cites each and every reference.  So now we know. 
By the way, the annotated script is easy to read if you don't have time to sit and watch the movie.


  1. Thanks! It's always good to know that the numbers weren't pulled out of thin air :)

  2. Sara, if that was snide, I'm not impressed.:P Remind me to have you listen in the next time I'm po-ed- that'll learn you real good :) If I had only looked around the site a little more I might have seen the resources and may not have sounded so snotty. :)
