Thursday, June 8, 2006

Impatiently waiting, and Camera blues

I am getting really antsy. We still have heard nothing from our attorney on the date of Harrison's adoption finalization. I called last week and spoke to the paralegal, who assured me the courts have everything they need, we're just waiting for a court date. If there is anything I hate hate hate about the adoption process it is all of the waiting. Particularly this wait, as our agency sent everything necessary to our attorney months ago. We will not be using this attorney again, ever.

I really just want to know forever and for sure that Harrison is ours. I know in my heart that he is, but waiting for a damned piece of paper to make it all legal is making me a little edgy! The worst part is our parelegal had called back in February or March and said we should be finalizing "soon". In my book, "soon" is not defined by 3-4 months. Their office seems to be all talk and no action. Ugh!


Changing topics completely, you've probably noticed the severe lack of photos on my posts. I mentioned before that I broke the digital camera at the playground (zoom button fell off). What I failed to realize at that time was I also shorted out the rechargable lithium battery by putting it in my pocket with my keys. If you use a rechargable lithium battery, do not do this! It kills the battery for good! I went to our local Big Box Store that sells all things gadgety and bought what I thought was the compatable battery for our charger. I got it home, removed it from it's wrappings, and tried to fit it into the charger. No deal. The darned thing doesn't fit because Kodak, being the super annoying geniuses that they are, realized that we consumers would of course buy a battery/charger combo for 25-30 dollars. Then, when said battery dies, we would need to replace it, only to find that you cannot buy a replacement battery for said charger at local Big Box Store. You must instead buy it directly through Kodak online, and pay shipping fees. When all is said and done, buying the battery and paying shipping fees costs almost, but not quite, as much as paying for a new battery/charger combo. Thus, Kodak = The Evil Empire. I don't know if I should pay for another combo and have the convenience of using my camera NOW, or if I should try to save three dollars and order online the elusive battery, which would result in weeks of waiting. Or if we should just cut our losses and buy a different camera altogether because, really, this is getting out of hand for a broken camera!

And for those of you wondering, yes, I can buy regular batteries for the camera, but it eats them at a rate of (no joking) two per 1/2 day. And it sucks the battery juice whether it is on or off. This is not only a major pain in the bum, it is also expensive. So that is why you've not seen pictures if Harrison. That, and I have resorted to regular film and old fashioned f- stop and shutter speed photography, which feels scary and good all at the same time. It will be like getting an unexpeced surprise when we have the film developed!

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