Monday, February 26, 2007

Naps are good.

When I put Harry down for his nap this morning I didn't really think it would stick.  I thought he'd roll around on the floor for awhile and then knock on the door to be let out, perhaps with a not-so-pleasant odor emanating from his behind.  But, wonder of wonders, he stayed put.  And slept. 
Usually while Harry naps I try to straighten the living room and corral the clutter, do some laundry, watch a TV show, read a book...anything that helps me get more organized and lets me relax.  But today I laid down on my bed, thinking it would be nice to have a 15 minute power nap before I began my usual naptime routine.  And I didn't wake up until naptime was over, 2 hours later.
This afternoon I am feeling so very refreshed.  It's that cozy feeling you get when you have slept in very late on a Sunday morning, a luxury I have not felt in a long time.  I have accomplished nothing today, but it feels really, really good.  I am off to make some coffee, to call a very good friend whom I have not spoken to in a long, long time, and to make some pretend eggs and sausages with Harry in his brand new kitchen.  Which he loves.  

1 comment:

  1. Tell Harry to make GiGi a hot dog! I think Brooke likes the kitchen as much as Harry!
