Thursday, April 12, 2007

Hee Seon-nah is Home!

In Korea, "nah" is added to the end of a child's name much the same way an "eee" sounding y is added to the end of names in America.  Think Jimmy, Bobby, Jenny, etc.  In Korea, Hee Seon is called Hee Seon-nah, with the emphasis on the nah part.  It is a beautiful sounding name when said correctly, and the Korean people who asked her name in the airport all said it fit her very well when we told her the name.  She is, indeed, happy and good. 
What an amazing trip we had.  I am still trying to grasp that I have been to Korean and back this week, so I haven't even begun to work on further posts about our travels and my thoughts.  I will try to do that this weekend if I am successful in getting rid of my jet lag. 
Hee Seon is a dream baby.  She is mellow and happy, and fusses only when tired or hungry.  She is adjusting well to her new surroundings and to our family, and seems to find particular delight with her big brother.  Harrison is smitten, and keeps saying to me "Mommy, Emma cute" or "Hee Seon-nah pretty girl".  He can make her laugh, and her eyes follow his every move. 
I am off to watch LOST and go to bed.  I have not had more than a 45 minute block of sleep since Tuesday night in Korea, so I am very very tired.  It feels like the room is swaying, I am so tired.  Pictures below to tide you over until I can think straight:

*Emma's foster mother crocheted the hat she is wearing.  She also made one for Harry. 


  1. So many congratulations to you all! Welcome home!

  2. Sara, the blanket you made her is just beautiful!!

    Congratulations to all four of you!

  3. Hi~
    I'm mrs.Koo's daughter.
    When Emma was in korea, she leaved my home.^-^

    She looks like very happy!!
    um... Finish my middle examination,
    I put on picture (with Emma) my website.

    pleas understand my English ability♡

  4. congratulations! she is adorable. how is harry taking it?

    how many months is she now?


    p.s. we have the same highchair.

  5. Congratulations! I'm exhausted just reading about uyour trip. She's beautiful! What a smile.
    Love, Julie
