Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Every Day It's A Little Better

Emma is doing so well.  She has been home for two months now and I am amazed at how well she has settled into our family.  I know you're not supposed to compare your children because they are individuals, but the difference to me is amazing.  I wonder how much of that difference has to do with my going to Korea to get her, versus having Harry escorted.  I will always wonder if we made the right decision with Harry.  It was the only decision we could make at the time, but I still wonder.
It is difficult to describe the little shifts in behavior that make Emma seem more at home, but they are there and they mean a lot.  During her first month here she was happy and would laugh, but her laugh was noiseless.  You could hear her breath move in and out in the way of a laugh, but she made absolutely no noise.  Gradually sound has been added to her laugh, and now she bursts out into happy peals of laughter with ease.  She has always been quick to flash a smile, but now more often than not the smile is accompanied by a happy squeal.  This is huge progress because it means (to me, at least) that she is comfortable enough with us to show real emotion, and she is allowing herself to be happy. 
She is also starting to show us her temper.  A month ago when Harry would take a toy from her she would whimper pitifully.  Now she yells at him and tries to whack him, and we get the same response when we take something away.  Aside from the whacking attempts, this is good.
When I give her a bottle now Emma relaxes into my arms easily and gazes into my eyes.  This is huge progress from the time when she would arch her back and resist taking the bottle nipple.  She falls asleep easily for me when I cuddle her close, and she often leans in for a snuggle when we're playing.  She is starting to be able to take her bottles in places other than her bedroom; I cannot tell you what a relief this is, since we were very limited on timing for outings, always having to work around her bottle schedule. 
Also a wonderful development is her newfound ability to sleep through the night!!!  She had been consistently sleeping through the night  in Korea, but until hadn't done it here until last week.  She has now slept through the night several times and when she does wake it is because she has rolled onto her back and is stuck.  She prefers to sleep on her belly. 
Which brings me to things I am concerned about, and will ask the pediatrician about at our next appointment.  Emma seems to have forgotten how to roll from her back to her belly.  She could easily roll in either direction when she came home, and can still roll from her belly to her back.  I know that some children regress a little in certain behaviors when they advance in others, and she has made great progress in creeping/crawling, cruising along furniture, pulling herself up, and other mobile behaviors.  I am hoping that in the midst of progress she forgot that she knows how to roll over from back to belly.  If we help her a little she can do it; it almost seems like the thought of rolling in that direction never occurred to her until we suggest it. 
She also HATES for us to be out of sight.  She cries and cries when I have to leave the room during the day, even for a moment, but she will sit unhappily with Harry if she must.  This makes it hard to do laundry, take a shower, or use the restroom in private, but we're plodding along.  I know she'll eventually get over this, once she becomes comfortable enough to know that we're not going away for good when we walk out of the room. 
Although she is gaining weight and growing in a normal range, I am worried that she is not getting enough formula.  She takes three 6oz. bottles per day, and that is it.  She seldom wants water or juice, so I don't think it is a lack of thirst.  I am going to try to get four bottles into her today and see how that goes.  I guess I don;t remember how much is normal at this age, when she is beginning to eat our regular table food rather than baby cereal and baby food.  Maybe 3 bottles is normal, I just don't remember.
So every day it's a little better, she is a little more secure, and our routine becomes a little more normal.  I have to say that the sleep, oh the sleep is phenomenal.  I have been cooking real dinners, getting chores done, I've had a renewed interest in getting out of the house for fun activities, and just feeling more like myself in general. I think I started my sleep deprivation back in March, when we first got the call that we might be able to travel, and it's taken me since then to get back to a normal night of sleep.  Sleep makes the difference for me between just getting by and really enjoying and caring about what I am doing, so this is the best progress of all.

1 comment:

  1. Very happy to read that Emma is settling in and feeling more comfortable. Please keep us posted on her next ped. appointment...
