Monday, June 4, 2007

Pusher of Buttons

I have a little helper these days who follows me around and is into everything I am doing at all times.  It can be great; tasks that I normally hate turn into teaching lessons for Harry and he puts enthusiasm into the most mundane housework.  You should see the delight with which he greets the vacuum cleaner; he should seriously do commercials.  His help can also be maddening at times.  He likes to push buttons.  A lot.  Buttons on the stove, the microwave, Brendan's alarm clock, the see where I'm going with this?  Sometimes it seems half of my day is spent undoing his help.  When I am at the computer, though, it is the worst.  Oh the buttons that just beg to be pushed by inquisitive little fingers!  His favorite seems to be the power button, and he has turned off my laptop on more than one occasion when I am halfway through writing something.  I have learned the hard way that you always save your work at intervals during writing, something I probably should have learned back in my college days when my work was actually being graded.

All of his following me around and pushing the forbidden buttons begins to push my figurative buttons.  I can feel the grump factor rising, the irritated edge come into my voice, and I realize that I am actually getting upset with my two year old for doing the very things that he is supposed to be doing at two.  How silly of me.  The thing is, I am starting to recognize that Harrison and I need a regularly scheduled break from each other.  He needs to see more people, more kids his own age.  So where do we go from here?  A half hour class like Gymboree would require my attendance, and so defeats the purpose.  A half day at a daycare twice a week would be lovely, but would I spend most of my free time getting him there?  And how would we pay for it?  Brendan doing something with him on weekends apart from me and Emma doesn't appeal because our weekends are usually booked weeks in advance with activities requiring the entire family's attendance, and the weekends are really the only time we get to hang out together as a family.  I don't know if there is an easy solution that I am missing.  How do other stay-at-home-moms meet the ever increasing needs of their kids while toting their babies around?  How can I keep Harry from pushing my buttons?


  1. Hi Sara.
    Well, I'm not a stay at home mom, but I feel for you. I normally have 2-3 days off during the week and find that Emily at 3 tends to get REALLY BORED after about 2 hours with me. I thought that being outside in the warmer weather would help. Not so much. You should try to find a local playgroup or get together with friends who have kids the same age. Em goes to Day Care and luckily I've befriended some of the other moms and have been able to get the kids together sometimes. Don't worry-you'll find a solution!

  2. Oh, the joy of buttons! CJ has deleted more than one appointment & created several! Fortunately she goes with my mother for a few hours during office calls, otherwise she is in the clinic with me. And when I was part-time, we were together 24/7. I have no solutions, but i do feel for ya! Sorry :)

