Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Am I My Own Worst Enemy?

If you'll take a moment to think back to December 31st, you might remember that I worked some numbers to try and figure out when Emma would arrive.  Behold my idiocy:

"If my calculations and speculations are correct, this means that we will not have visa approval until maybe the beginning of February." 

We got our approvals on February 10th.

"If she follows Harry’s lead and arrives 45 days after visa approval that means she might be home on March 21, the vernal equinox.  That is 80 days from now."

Emma would have been home today, if not for an ear infection.  Weird, no?

"Of course, all of this is subject to a million influences...I have to stop focusing my energy and hope on a February arrival.  It’s most likely not going to happen, and even March is a long shot.  April is much more likely.  In April Emma will be 8 months old."

I wish I could go back and tell Myself of December 31, 2006, to just stop trying to figure it all out.  To shut up.  I find myself wondering if I somehow attracted all of this mess to myself.  Blech.



  1. Please don't WouldaShouldaCoulda yourself to death!

    YOU didn't attract found you, as you are strong enough to handle it...and because you, everyday, count your blessings...

    We can't wait to see you all soon!!

  2. You didn't jinx yourself. It was only natural for you to figure out a date. Fortunately, you didn't travel over there and then have the ear infection develop and come back empty handed or stay until it clears up!

    I hope you have a way to save your blogs. Someday, you should seriously think about writing a book. You have a talent with the written word that leaves the reader waiting for more and isn't that the secret to a good book, fiction or nonfiction?
    At the very least, you put the columnest in the Post Star to shame. There is a young woman who writes about life of as a mother of a 2-year old and another one due soon. I usually read the column but it is drab in comparison to yours. Of course, I am NOT partial here.
