Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The News We Were Expecting, But Did Not Want To Get

A call late last night from our agency's director let us know that Emma can't come home on Wednesday.  With her ear infection it is too risky to fly as there would be a good chance of the eardrum rupturing.

I will travel when the antibiotics have done their job and she is feeling better.  Maybe next week.  At this point we're basically back to waiting for a travel call, since we have to have the go-ahead from her doctors to travel.

And here is where I'll try to explain something but may end up hurting people's feelings, albeit unintentionally: please don't be offended if you call and we don't answer the phone.  As you can imagine we have been telling this story, with all of its twists and turns, to each  supportive friend and family member that calls.  We're done, exhausted, overwhelmed.  We can't keep going over and over the details anymore because it makes us sad all over again and, frankly, keeps us locked in a state of disappointment.  We really appreciate the love and support people have shown us, but right now we need to have a week that somewhat resembles normal.  You can check here for any of the latest news on Miss Emma's arrival.

Harrison is sick with a nasty cold, I have library books to return and new ones to take out, and I really need to get some fresh air today.  And coffee...there must be coffee so I can clear my head.


  1. Definitely take some downtime! Let us know if there's anything you need, but we will give you some space and quiet. Love you all!

  2. Oh Sara & Brendan, I am so sorry. So many ups & downs, you are really being tried and put through the ringer. But you must hang on to the fact, that, yes, soon Emma will be home with you and you can resume your happy life as a wonderful family of four. For now, spend the time enjoying Harrison because soon, his life will be changed so much. For the better, of course, as he will get the love of a little sister.
