Saturday, March 17, 2007

My Relief Outweighs My Disappointment

Yesterday was a very very bad day.  Today we have a new plan, one which will bring our daughter home before I could have brought her home myself, even according to the original travel plan.
Last night I finally called our agency director and she wasn't home.  Talk about your anticlimactic moments.  I was ready for all kinds of admonishments about it being the weekend in Korea, there was nothing she could do, I was causing problems, etc.  I also sent her an e-mail in which I outlined what had happened, how sorry I was, and how we were trying to make the best plans for our family, while keeping both our US agency and Eastern in mind.  When she called back the conversation that actually took place was nowhere near as difficult as the one I'd been preparing for in my head.  She hadn't read my e-mail, but she suggested my mom travel alone to pick up Emma.  And I cried some more. 
Let me insert here that Brendan is a rock and a ballast beyond all others.  As frustrated as we both were, he did not lose his cool once...even while I was practically a puddle on the floor.
Could we let my mom pick up our child?  Would I forever regret that I didn't go?  Would it be odd for her to introduce our daughter to us, rather than introducing her to our daughter?  Would I be ok with my mom getting to meet Emma's foster mother, to seeing Korea without me?  I finally called my mom, who instantly said yes without even thinking twice.  And then she told me that we needed to make sure we were comfortable with that arrangement.  She suggested we try to see if another couple could bring her home so there wouldn't be any regret or strange feelings.  She is a good mom, a really good mom. 
While Brendan and I were trying to figure out what to do, our agency director called me back.  She had read my e-mail, and knew that we were very upset and torn about what would be the right thing to do.  She said we had two options.  We could wait for my passport to come through and then make travel arrangements (this would be at least a week from now), or we could call another family, also in the same situation, who are already planning to travel, in fact they are leaving this weekend.  She left the decision in our hands, and gave us the phone number of the other couple. 
After talking it over, we decided we hated the idea of calling another family and imposing on them in that way, but we could also let them know that we could travel the following week if they did not want to escort, thus offering them a way out if they truly couldn't do it.  So I called them, and we imposed ourselves on complete strangers.  She and her mother are generous, gracious people, who have agreed to bring Emma home on Wednesday, when they return from Korea.  They're going to try to videotape her with her foster mom.  I don't know how we can thank them enough for bringing a solution to three days worth of incredible anxiety.  She's coming home!!!!!!!!
Yes, I am really sad that I am not going to Korea in two days.  But my joy over the fact that Emma will be home on Wednesday far outweighs any sadness I feel over that loss.  We'll go to Korea later on, as a family, and we will have more time then to see the country, enjoy the food, and get a real taste for the culture, rather than spending three whirlwind days with no free time.  It is better this way.  I have stopped shaking for the first time since Wednesday morning.  I can eat again.  My nerves are more intact.  Thank goodness for the kindness of strangers, who will not be strangers after this week.  They will forever be a part of Emma's story, and a part of our family. 
Thank you to the M family.  Really, I have no words to tell you how grateful we are.


  1. Sara,
    I can't believe what you have been through over the past few days. I was crying as I read over your last few postings. Your journey to be united with Emma has certainly been emotional. I am so happy that she will be home in 4 days!!!! What a wonderful family to generously escort her home---but I know you would have done the same thing if things were reversed. When your are an adoptive family, you understand how precious each day is with your child and that waiting even one more week would have been excruiating! Enjoy your very special arrival day next week!!!! We can't wait to meet her.
    Karen, Allen and Jack

  2. Sara,

    I'm so happy a solution presented itself! Your last few posts have had me estatic, sad, frustrated, crying for you & in general praying that your family is completed soon! Now I'm happy again! :) Congrats!
    Millie Mike & CJ
