Friday, March 16, 2007

The Details, As I Know Them

The past two days have been a whirlwind of emotion, planning, panicking, running around getting documents signed, and crying.  Yes, I am a bit on the weepy side...I think it's my body's reaction to stress.  Tears just slide down my face as though a faucet has been turned on, and my throat clenches up, making it impossible to speak.  What a pain in the you-know-what.
Just so you know, it is possible to get a passport REALLY fast, if you need one.  But it'll cost you.  Please let's all focus our positive energy on getting my passport into my hands in time for my flight on Monday.
When  we got our travel call on Wednesday, I had no passport.  Brendan has no passport.  World traveler's we are not.  I had one way back in high school for trips to Spain and Bermuda, but since then I haven't needed one.  Let me just say that if you are adopting you should get a passport, even if you plan on having the baby escorted.  You just should, so you don't have to deal with Grumpy County Clerk and Lazy Unhelpful Postal Worker at the eleventh hour before departure on possibly the most important trip of your life.  Consider yourself warned.
All of the stress and planning and panicking aside, though, I am so EXCITED to be going to KOREA!!!!!!!  To pick up our daughter!!!!!  Wooo hoooo!
Brendan is staying home with Harry, because he is the best Dad in the world and wants to be sure our little man is well prepared for the onset of a little sister.  We both hate to think of leaving him for four days and then coming home with a baby.  I think he would feel very displaced if that happened.  Also, the very thought of taking Harry to Korea right now, under such short notice and drastic change of plans, leaves me quaking.  The flight is 15 hours.  15 HOURS!  Of bored, unhappy, confined Harry.  I start to sweat just thinking about it.  His normal state of constant motion would not be appreciated by the other passengers, I am sure.  We'll take him to Korea, just not right now.  Plus, Brendan is terrified of flying.  He'll not thank me for telling you that but it is the truth.  He has not flown in many years, and we are thinking that a 15 hour flight is not the way to jump back into the game.  We have asked my mom to travel with me, as she has been all over the world on business trips, and can navigate an airport without losing her cool.  I am really excited to share this trip with her...there is something special about going to pick up my daughter with my mom. 
So, our passports should be here on Saturday or Sunday (please please please).  I booked our flights today.  We'll fly Albany to Atlanta, Atlanta to Seoul on Monday, arriving Tuesday.  Wednesday we will meet Emma and her foster mom for about an hour, then we'll meet with the Dr.s Kim (Directors of Eastern) to give them our donation...I still have to figure out how much this should be.  Then in the afternoon on Wednesday we will go to the office at Eastern and pick up Emma's passport and visa.  Thursday morning, early (7ish) we will meet with Emma and her foster mother again, and Emma will be placed in our care.  Our flight leaves Seoul at 11:00am, with a layover DC where we'll go through immigration, then on to Albany, arriving at around 1:50pm.  Five days until I meet my daughter, six until she comes home for good!!!!!!!! There is also a chance that we might get to meet Harrison's foster mother, and I am beside myself with hope that we can.  I have looked at her picture every day for almost two years, saying a silent thank you and prayers for her family each time.  To meet her would be amazing, and I just don't have any idea what to say or ask.
We won't have very much time to sight see or shop, only our evenings and afternoons look like they are free.  It's going to be a very quick trip...wish we had more time to see Korea itself, but we'll be very happy just to be there at all, and especially happy to see Emma.  Questions: 
What should we ask her foster mom?  Gift ideas for her? 
Gift for Harry's foster mom?  What to ask her?
Where to eat?  I want to eat Korean food, not American.  bibimbap, bulgogi, mandu, kalbi, any of these will do.  Suggestions for restaurants within close proximity to Eastern would be great! 
Shopping.  I don't even know where to begin.  I would like to bring home some tea (we drink tea as though it were water, and this would be a nice treat for Brendan).  I would love a tea set, something for Harry and Emma, and perhaps even some art?  I have no idea what to expect.
What is an average donation to Eastern?  I understand that it can be whatever we can afford, as it is a gesture or tradition, but I'd like to have a ballpark idea of what is normal.  Also, what form should it take?  Check?  Cash?  Money order?  I am feeling clueless.  Do I put it in an envelope? 
Are there hairdryers at the guest house, as there would be in a hotel?  Or do I need to pack one?
OK, this list is getting too long.  If I continue I will start to panic, and that would not be good.  Thank goodness for Brendan...he is such a good, good, good person, and such a wonderful husband...for encouraging me to take on this adventure, for being willing to stay behind with Harry, for telling me it will all work out when I cry and panic, and for loving me despite my mood swings this week.  And Harry has been a trooper, too, although I think he has watched more TV in the past three days than in the three months previous.  Oh well.  I never said I was a supermom.

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