Monday, March 19, 2007

We May Have To Revisit Plan B

Go ahead, have a chuckle at our expense. 
Plan A was having Hee Seon escorted to the US.
Plan B was going to Korea to get her.
Plan C was to have another family bring her home.
And then?
Our agency director called a little while ago.  She's had an urgent e-mail from Korea; apparently our baby-to-be has an ear infection, and a round of antibiotics was started Monday morning in Korea.  They caught the infection early, and she is fine, but there is a question of whether or not she should fly because it is a middle ear infection.  Once I knew she was ok I laughed.  It was an honest reaction to this latest in a long string of plans gone awry.  Better to laugh than to cry.  I thought the director was going to cry as she explained to me what our options are; I guess it was her turn.
They wanted to leave the decision of whether or not to put Emma on the plane in our hands.  I told her we'd feel better if the doctor took another look at her ear, and then made the decision for us.  I can't ask another family to bring home a SICK child for us.  I know I wouldn't want to take the chance of someone's else's baby's eardrum rupturing on my watch.  And its really hard to make sound decisions about the health of a child who is half a world away.  Our director agreed that it would really be better to have the doctors make the decision, and she will call them today.
By this time tomorrow we'll know if she's getting on the plane.  Until then we wait, and carry on as if she is coming home on Wednesday, and at the same time carry on as though I am going to Korea to get her. 
So that's that.  Have a good laugh with us at Murphy's Law...I'm off to scrub the floors.
Edited to add:
Ms. M and her Mom made it to Korea without a problem, and they will meet her son tomorrow.  Let's keep them in our thoughts, and hope that Baby L adjusts well to his new Mom!


  1. this is just getting ridiculous! oh how i feel for you. i hope that either a) her ear infection is not so bad that she can't come home on wed or b) she's on the mend but can't fly so you go get her with ample time to in, more than 4 hours.

    what's the status on the passport, just in case?

  2. My passport is being processed today, so I should hopefully have it either tomorrow or Wednesday. I am just hoping she can get on the plane.

  3. Good decision on your part (paragraph 2). Your clear thinking under such stress is amazing! I pray the doctor finds Emma fit for travel and she's in your arms on Wed. (this Wed. March 21,2007!!)
